Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable break with their family and friends. Thank you for all of the lovely gifts and cards!
Our Winter concert night was a very memorable night. Here is a picture of our class during one of our rehearsals:

This picture was taken right before our performance:
On stage, ready to go!
Thank you to everyone who came out to watch our concert. We appreciate all of your support!
Here are some of the pictures we showed during our slideshow:
We also celebrated someone's birthday a little early! Her birthday falls on January 1st, So we decided to have a party for her on our last day of school!


Sunday, December 14, 2014

One more week of school until the Winter break!!

For the past two weeks or so, we had a visitor come to our class from the North Pole. He needed a name, so our class decided to name him Ben. Every morning, we find him in a different spot. Here is what Ben looks like:
 Here is some of the wonderful things we have been doing in our class... aside from practicing for our Winter concert!!

 We have been doing some one-to-one correspondence:
We have been doing using this game to practice some simple math:

We collectively decided to decorate our door with Olaf from the movie Frozen. the children did all the work and it turned out looking great!

 We built some different structures using the wooden blacks we had in our room:
 We also experimented with water colour last week! The children really enjoyed it :)

 We made snowman out of wood in Art class with Ms. Buckworth. We will be sending these home before the break.

Mrs. Ansari made cinnamon ornaments with the children too. They all smelled so good and left a nice scent in our classroom.

The children also made some BEAUTIFUL cards with Ms. Buckworth in Art class using buttons as hanging ornaments:
Playing card games using gems to show the number on the card they select:
And our decorative foam snowflakes!!
We have been very busy preparing for our concert in between all this fun we are having in our classroom. Please remember to bring your child to school for 6:00 pm. If you can, have your child wear a red shirt and dark bottoms.
Thank you for helping to make our concert night a success! We are looking forward to seeing you there!!