Outdoor Learning

Learning in the Outdoors is now a part of our Ontario Curriculum, which we are really strong advocates for. We regard this type of learning as very valuable, engaging and crucial to child development.
"A growing body of research suggests that connecting to the natural world contributes to children's mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being." (Louv, 2005)

"Access to active play in nature and outdoors - with its risks - is essential for healthy child development."
-Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play

We try to make use and play in the space around our school as much as possible, as you can see in the following pictures.

Please read the following article to get more information on the benefits of Outdoor Play:

We especially love having picnics in the park!

Extending the learning environment beyond the classroom has always been something we get excited about and look forward to. The children are always asking us to go on Nature Walks or go to the park and so, we try our best to honour their requests to be outdoors as much as possible. Instilling a sense of curiosity and exploration is what we have found the children in our class gravitate towards. They observe changes in nature, display the ways in which we care for and respect the environment and take in all the beauty that nature has to offer.

For more information about the Learning Environment and Beliefs About Children Learning in the Outdoors please see page 34 of our Ontario Curriculum Document:

The Kindergarten Program

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