Our Classroom

The environment of our classroom has changed quite a bit since we started off in the summer of 2014! What started off as an empty room, slowly but surely became a little brighter and a little fuller. We still consider it a work in progress, however the arrangement and the environment has been carefully selected and continuously altered to suit the needs of the children in our class. We were very fortunate to have started the year in a brand new classroom that was part of the addition to our school. Everything was brand new, making it a very exciting experience to be able to start from scratch.
Here is a snapshot of our room at the beginning of the year:
 Here are some other areas of our classroom that we set up and made available to the children:

Our intention for this room was to set up an environment that inspires, captivates, and influences childrens needs, wants and interests.
So, far we have seen some very successful outcomes and only hope to strengthen our knowledge and skills on facilitating the learning that happens in this environment.

Thank you for visiting!


  1. Thank you for posting these photos! It's like a visual tour to the classroom. I have no doubt that children are having a wondering time playing and learning here.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to explore our blog Sarah :) We really love reading feedback from parents!
