Thursday, September 17, 2015

Self Portraits!

Our self portraits turned out spectacular! For most of our JK's, it was their first experience using sharpie markers and watercolour! We found the perfect spot for them and hung them up right above our cubbies.
In Ms. Buckworth's Art class this week, we got to decorate the first letter of our name. She prepared the letters with a picture of each student on it and added some feet and hands, so that it looked like a walking letter!!
And some of us made some new friends during centre time!
 Lacing letters together..
 Making words using the magnetic letters.
Just a reminder - Please remember to send your child's communication folder back to school each morning! Thank you :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Welcome to a new school year...!!

where there are endless possibilities, opportunities, and inspiration within our space of learning.

We are super excited to meet all of our new JK students and families and learn more about them as the year goes on. Thank you for bringing in family photos to add to our tree! The children have loved looking at them.

We decided to start off this year getting to know ourselves. We watched a video on how to draw our own self-portraits and tried it out. This is what took place:
We had a really productive turn out for our first art experience with sharpies and water colour this year. We plan to continue introducing different forms of media as the year progresses.
Our Borrow-A-Book Program will begin shortly. We will be sending home the information regarding that at some point this week.
Also- Monday is our Library day. Today it was cancelled, but we are hoping to go up for an orientation next week. We will keep you updated.
Thank you for checking in :) Have a fabulous week!!