Saturday, November 28, 2015

"Ever child is gifted, they just unwrap their packages at different times. "

We have officially entered the season of Winter and with that brings lots of magical changes. We have seen so much progress in our children in just a few short months and that in itself is magical.

We are all set to open up our Movie Theatre, after two weeks of preparation. The children are so excited and we cannot wait to see what unfolds there.
The girls worked very hard on creating screens with characters on them for our theatre:
Others made us puppets with characters on them:
Making cupcakes out of wood pieces and jewels:
 Always creating extraordinary things at the Light table:
 Building a city with parks and roads:
Mrs. Ansari was busy working with some of our younger learners to identify the letters in their name and build stronger fine motor skills:
Getting to see Jack Grunsky perform was a great experience. He was extremely entertaining and we had a blast! Thank you to Ms. Bckworth who organized this trip with the primary grades for us:
"I made it with my own two hands" and "alligator stomp" seemed to be our favourites by him!
 Being silly on the bus ride home!

Have a beautiful weekend and keep warm!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Movie Theatre Madness

This past week we discussed several ideas for our dramatic play centre. After many different options were bounced around, we agreed upon a Movie Theatre. We made a list of all the things we would need, things like popcorn, snacks, drinks, tickets, movie posters, seats, stairs, a screen and sound. We choose 4 movies that we wanted to show at our movie theatre and got to work. We called this time period the "construction" of the theatre. These are some pictures captured during that time:
 Flavours of the drinks we want to have:
 A sign made by one of our Sk's:
 Adding more detail to her sign:
Some of the girls making tickets:
 The boys putting together a menu of food items:
Ticket sale sign:
 One of our soft drink flavours:
Our drink prices:
 A list of things we need put together by one of our JK's:
One of our students brought in some Styrofoam cups for our drink station:
 The buttons for the drink machine:
 Tickets for kids, adults and seniors:
Movie posters and characters:
 Our popcorn:
Some popsicles:
Our ticket booth:
Stay tuned for the opening of our Movie theatre. We are hoping to open it shortly.