Saturday, December 19, 2015

The holidays have officially begun!

Unfortunately, our classroom iPad was left in the classroom, therefore our blog will not be updated over the holidays.
We would really like to thank you for the beautiful gifts brought in. We had such a wonderful last day of school and ended off our year in a fun filled way. Ms. Espinosa brought in a popcorn maker, and walked us through the steps of making popcorn. We got to watch it pop and smell it fill the air in our classroom. We also made hot chocolate with marshmallows and enjoyed some treats in the afternoon.
Wishing you lots of love, laughter and quality time with your families.
See you in the new year! :o)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

"We are like a snowflake, all different in our own beautiful way."

After Mrs. Ansari read the Gingerbread Man story this week, she worked with the children to cut out and decorate their own Gingerbread men (and for some, women). Then they came to the writing centre to write out a description of theirs.
We worked on writing and drawing pictures of winter words, using the examples at the writing centre.
We made a card for Mrs. Goldstein to wish her a Happy Retirement!
We finished up our Winter Snowland, adding some last pictures onto it:
 Some kids:
And a Gas Station!!
Here is the finished project, we hung up in our hallway:
We worked together to build a 'Downtown Winter'...
Then some of our friends helped to make signs for the different parts Downtown:
A lot of the children in our class LOVE to go around our classroom and take surveys. This one was 'What's your favourite colour?"
We introduced the game 'Snakes and Ladders' during our Math Block and noticed that a lot of the children wanted to make their own game to play with their friends. So, we drew our own version of it on the SmartBoard for them to copy.
 Then one of our students wanted to even make his own dice!! How creative!
Just a reminder that this week is the last week of school.
We are planning to make hot chocolate one day and will send home a note before we do.
It sure doesn't feel like Winter, but we are looking forward to Christmas break :)
Have a lovely weekend!

Monday, December 7, 2015

'Our Winter Snowland'

Last week one of the children came up to me and wanted to know why we didn't make a big picture of winter like we did for Halloween. We proposed the idea at carpet time to see what the class thought of it and if they wanted to make another mural. They said "YES! of course" and so we made a list of all of the things we wanted to include in this picture. Then we had to come up with a name for this winter town we had decided on. There were two really great ideas so we used both to call it 'Our Winter Snowland'  We have slowly been adding to it one day at a time and are excited to see how it turns out. We still have a lot of work to do, but here is a sneak preview of what it looks like so far:

 We have had some really innovative creations at our building centre :
Our Movie Theatre was a hit last week and it was very interesting to listen to the conversations that were happening there:
 They especially loved the 3D glasses!!
Mrs. Ansari brought in some popcorn for us to have and experience what it's like at a movie theatre. It was very yummy!!
She has also been working with small groups to make gingerbread men.
One of our friends was sick all week, so we decided to make him a card to cheer him up:
Making cupcakes at the light table:
Just a head up - Our library day got cancelled because of immunizations. So, the books were collected, but we are unsure if we are going to get an opportunity to take books out this week. If not this week, then we will continue on our normal schedule next Monday.
December 18th-Is PAJAMA Day!! And our Good News Assembly
Hope you have a lovely week! :o)