Monday, March 28, 2016

"A flower does not think of competing against the flower next to it, it just blooms."

Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and change. Within the next few weeks, we will start to talk more about things that change. We will look at flowers and things that grow as part of our lessons on living things in Science. We will even be planting some beans and changing our water table into a gardening table that will be filled with soil for the children to explore.
Here is a cute little poem we will be learning:
Last week we made two jars of spring coloured playdough. We made green and purple.
 We were working together to make a spring scene using playdough and family figures.
We have continued to work on our flags, using our classroom iPads to research the country we chose:
One of our friends decided to create this, sorting the different families by colours and even the structure he built to go with it:
We have been using non standard materials to measure our height.
 And adding to our Easter egg tree:
Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate.
May you enjoy this long weekend with family and friends!

This Wednesday we will be receiving the egg hatching kit!!
We are super excited to observe the stages of growth!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Over 10 000 views! Yay! Happy March Break !!

As the snow melts away, and the Winter season comes to an end, the warmer weather brings with it lots of exciting things!! March is an eventful month. It marks the beginning of Spring, some of us celebrate St. Patrick's Day, we get a week long break and most exciting of all.... We get to hatch CHICKS!! We are going to be sharing an incubator with Ms. Beattie's Kindergarten class and we will get to witness first hand the life cycle of a chick. We will be receiving the kits on March 30th, so stay tuned to read about our experience and what we learned in the process.
 We have been using our pattern block mats a lot over the past few weeks:
 Once the students had made a picture, they were encouraged to either draw it or describe it and write it down.
Spelling out our names using magnetic letters:
Constructing planes and cars:
Collaborative effort on making a sign for our pots of gold:
 Cutting out her gold:
 One of our students noticed that a rainbow, pot of gold and even a LEPRECHAUN were on one of the boxes of cereal at our Grocery Store and came over to show us:
We hung them up right above the cubby area:
We made some hand shaped sight words to put up in our room. The idea behind it is that if you know and can read the word, you can say it out loud and give it a high five!

We decided to make a mural of the Springtime and one of our students suggested we name it SPRINGLAND!
 There were many different spring words to choose from and they worked very hard putting it together.

 This was what it looked like when we were finished:
 Mrs. Ansari taught some of the boys how to play number Bingo:
And unfortunately, we had to say bye to one of our dear friends who is moving to Japan. We are sad to see you go, but happy that we got the opportunity to get to know you!
This was the card we made for her:
Talking about Japan, led us to some interesting conversations about where it was in the World and what the flag looked like. The students became immediately interested in other types of flags and wanted to see what they looked like, so we showed them on our SmartBoard. Then we suggested they try to make a flag of a country they are interested in and we showed them a picture for them to look at. They did a fantastic job. We are in the middle of writing down something we know or have learned about that country using spaces between our words. As you can see in the following picture, we made some spacemen to remind us to use spaces.
One of our students wanted to trace this dragon that was part of the Wales flag and did an extraordinary job!
Thank you to Mrs. Ansari for these absolutely BEAUTIFUL Tulips she brought me for my birthday! 
I found the perfect spot for them where I can admire them everyday :)
Hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable March break. See you next week :)