Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy First day of Summer!

We have been busy wrapping things up in our classroom, taking things off the wall and sending them home, as our school year comes to an end.
It is always bittersweet for us, as we say goodbye to our SK's and those who will not be with us next year and feel excited for the summer months ahead!
Here is a brief recap of some of the things that have been going on. The excitement of building has never died out in our class. The children are always finding different materials to build and create with. Here are some of our creations using lego:
This was us on Beach Day!
 We has a special visit from some of the Vaughan firefighters, who put on a great presentation for all of our Kindergarten classes and even brought us some firefighter hats!
Learning about fire safety:
We really appreciate them taking the time to come in, so making them a Thank you card was the least we could do!
Mrs. Ansari worked very hard with the students to make a personalized card for their dads. They turned our really great and they were so excited to bring them home for Father's Day!
 We are working on learning the days of the week after talking about patterns in our everyday life.. days happens to be one of the continuous patterns that repeats over and over again. Some of the children wanted to copy them down.
We have planned to have a small celebration on Tuesday afternoon for our SK students and their families, so today we have been busy making hats and preparing for it.
A few reminders: Friday we are collecting our books from our Borrow-a-book program and sending home the Portfolios of our SK's.
This Wednesday is authors day and next Wednesday is our last good News Assembly. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Log off, shut down, and go outside!

This week our school board promoted bike week as a way to encourage Healthy and Eco school initiates. Two of our Kindergarten classes took part in bike day on Thursday morning where we got to decorate our bikes, go for a ride around our school, and do some relay races and other fun activities around the back of the school. The children had a great time!
Here are some pictures from that day:
One of our friends put these individual sticker ribbons together for our class to decorate with!
 Another one of our friends brought in all kinds of different stickers for our class to stick on their bikes!
 And off we go!..
One of our students who was in China visiting her family brought a little treat for each student when she came back. The children were really excited to open it, so we decided to give them some time to create together using the stickers in the package.
 Helping each other out:
We also welcomed a new student into our class this week! We are so glad to have her, as you can see she fits right in! :)
The girls making a plan:
 Some of our students focusing on their work:
Tracing images on the light table:
Our cookie fractions on display:
Tuesday morning, we have special visitors coming to our class to talk about fire safety. Two of our Vaughan firefighters; Jared and Ronnie will be doing a presentation for our Kindergarten classes!
We have been talking about fire hoses, fire hydrants, and the fire hall so we are really looking forward to meeting them.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
See you on Monday :)