Thursday, December 28, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

To those celebrating, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a bright and happy New Year!
We look forward to seeing you again after the break :)

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Frosty the Snowman!

We have been busy the past few weeks preparing for our Winter concert.We co-created our outfits by using Bristol board, plastic hats and scarfs. Thank you so much for sending in a scarf for your child and for attending our concert!!
We explored simple printmaking on transparent paper using yellow paint and star shaped cookie cutters and hung them up in our window, 
 We used shapes to spell our name:
 One of our friends brought in some fun winter foam activities for us to play with:
We had so much fun constructing and taking part in some dramatic play at our pie stand:
We copied down some Winter words:
 This was the turn out of our Mitten Art:

We also incorporated magnetic letters into our Winter word making!
We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing Winter break!
We look forward to sharing our learning with you again in the New Year!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sorting by shape, colour, and attribute

One day this week, we proposed a problem to the class. We told them that we had a BIG problem and needed their help to solve it. We wanted to sort these buttons but did not want to sort them by shape, so we asked them what other way we could sort them. After one child suggested we sort them by size, we labelled 3 sheets of paper SMAL, MEDIUM, LARGE/BIG. Then, we started to sort and eventually divided ourselves up into groups with different colours of buttons. We worked together to sort them.
 Another morning, we discussed sorting by attribute. We wanted to separate the magnetic shapes by holes so we stuck all of the letter without a hole (or an o) on one side, and all of the ones that has one on another.
 After lunch that same day, one of our friends suggests that we sort them by colour. So we did!
 This was another activity we worked on this week. Sorting letters into two categories. Which ones were in our name and which ones were not in our name.

We have also been exploring light and shadows using the projector.
We were so impress by what she did with the pattern blocks, that we created a name challenge in our class to see who else could make their name using the pattern blocks.
 We did a 'rite the room' scavenger hunt, which the children really seemed to enjoy. Their mission was to find all of the words hidden in places around the room and record it onto their sheet.
We also wanted to thank one of our friends and his mom for bringing in Wonder sticks for our class. Thank you!