Sunday, September 24, 2017

Every child is a different kind of flower. All together, they make this world a beautiful garden!

This week we explored colours. We talked about primary colours vs. secondary colours and did some hands on experimenting to see what colours we could make. Some worked with Mrs. Ansari, painting their hands and rubbing them together to make a new colour and some worked with me on making a colour wheel using only red, blue and yellow.

We wrote out our home made Play dough recipe:

 We did some building:

Just a reminder that Monday is a P.A. Day and Tuesday is Picture Day :)
Enjoy the beautiful summer weather!!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.."

As we are getting to know our learners better day by day, we constantly remind ourselves that we are co-learning together and that we are not the gatekeepers of knowledge. It always amazes us what children are capable of. Each come to school with their own personality and characteristics. This week we spent some time focusing on good qualities and what we love most about ourselves. We want children to recognize their strengths and accomplishments and be proud of themselves .. so we figured this would be a great way to start.
We watched a YouTube video on 'The best part of me" done by another Kindergarten class and we listened to various different answers. then we asked the children to reflect on the video and tell us what their favourite part of themselves was and why.

 We will be displaying these outside of our classroom in the hallway when we are finished.

Here is some of the work we have displayed within our classroom:

We celebrated one of our friends birthdays this week and signed a card for her:

We also celebrated International DOT DAY!
Here is some of the things we did this week:

 We have been practicing building our name, using magnet letters:

Hope everyone is having a beautiful weekend with this weather!!