Friday, November 30, 2018

Melting Snowmen

This week we experimented using shaving cream and glue mixed together to give us a marshmellow-y texture. We used this mixture to create some fluffy snowmen who were melting away when the sun came out. 
It was a fun activity for the children and they really seemed to enjoy it!



Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Our new pattern bead tree!

Yesterday we made some beautiful patterns and hung them up on our white tree:

We also painted these presents as a collaborative piece of Art work: 

We are beginning to also decorate our windows with snowflakes!

Have a happy Wednesday!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Jack Grunsky!

I apologize for this late post. With Report Cards, Interviews and JK Observations, it has been difficult to update our Blog. 
Here are some pictures from the Jack Grunsky concert we attended:

Here are the steps we displayed for hoe to get ready for outside during the Winter:

Have  a beautiful week!

Monday, November 12, 2018

What does Peace feel like?

We spent last week talking about peace, poppies and Remembrance Day. We did activities around these ideas and revisited them throughout the week.

 We made this for our Remembrance Day assembly today. It will be taking place at 11:20 in the Gym.

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!