Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Be a rainbow when skies are cloudy!

Last week we had the great honour of having a good friend of mine and teacher join us for a few hours in the morning to help us transform one of our learning environments into a great inquiry space!
After reading the book, 'The Colour Monster,'
the children were really interested in the feelings associated with different colours. They would draw faces with expressions in the corresponding colour and bring it to show me. I would then sit with them and help them label. Because this story did not mention the colour orange and purple, we decided collectively what we felt those colour portrayed. The children thought purple should reflect hunger and orange should reflect excitement. 

I brought out some mural paper and we painted a rainbow, which we later hung up on the wall and labelled. We have been exploring the topics of colour, emotions/feelings ever since and have learned a lot about recognizing expression.



Friday, September 6, 2019

Back to school

Welcome back everyone! 
We have completed one week so far and have had a wonderful first week. It is so nice to see you all again after what felt like a really long summer break! There were some last minute changes to the organization of the classes and we have moved into the room across the hall. I have really make a conscious effort to arrange it with the same "home-like" feel as our previous classroom.
Here are some pictures of what our new room looks like:

And someone who accompanied me as I set up over the weekend:

Here is a little recap of our first week back. We worked on self-portraits, drawing and labeling our family and making a Birthday display.





Hope you have a restful weekend and see you again next week!