Friday, May 20, 2016

Who ever said visiting the dentist was anything but fun..?!

We have completely transformed our dramatic play area over the past week!
We had some suggestions on what we could replace our grocery store with and we came up with these top 5 ideas:
We each voted with a tally mark on our first choice and surprisingly DENTIST won!
We then talked about what a dentist office has and what we would need to construct it...
We came up with a pretty lengthy list:
Our team of helpers eager to start planning and preparing:
We started to prepare by making signs and gathering the materials in our classroom to make things we would need like a neck garment:
 After telling my local dentist what the children wanted to do, they generously filled up a bag of supplies for us to use to support all of the learning and excitement that was going on!


I showed the children what they sent us and they were really anxious to open the dentist office.
 The supplies were put out, but this was only the beginning.. we still needed chairs for the waiting room and most importantly...A dentist chair!!
The next morning they were surprised with a new waiting room!
 And the perfect patient chair!
We were all ready to open our office!
Our first patient walked in and we got to work...
Our receptionist wrote the names down of our patients to keep track of the order in which they came in:
The other patients were waiting in the waiting room, looking at magazines to pass some time:

We took turns being the dental hygienist, dentist, and patient.
 The waiting room got pretty busy!
 Our team of dentists did such a good job that even Mr. Ng came in for a cleaning!
 It was busy day at the office!!
Open wide!
 It was my turn next:
 I even got some fluoride to swish around in my mouth:
 Next was Mrs. Ansari's turn:
 Patiently waiting:
 Mrs. Ansari also visited her dentist, who gave her some things to bring back to our classroom as well:
 We started a visitor profile:
 We are currently accepting new patients!
 Practicing her brushing technique:
In math, we have been talking about fractions. We cut out cookies and wrote down who we would share half of it with. Some of us wanted to cut it into quarters and share three pieces of it with our friends:
We even cut out playdough into fractions!... "Look Ms. Gikov!"
 We had so much fun learning about fractions that we agreed to have an apple fraction party to celebrate our new learning. While we did this, we learned about all sorts of different kinds of apples:
Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji, and Royal Gala. We made predictions about what we thought they would taste like and tried them for ourselves to see if we were right. Then we decided on which one we liked the best:
 The girls made their own headbands:
 Working on our patterning:
 Building words:
 Making creations out of pattern blocks:
 We got new sensory tubs for our class and filled them with water and lots of bubbles:
We were so sad to say bye to one of our friends who is taking a trip to China, but will be back.
We have been counting down the days until she comes back!
we will see you soon M..!

You may notice we have a new look outside our Kindergarten Pen...we have planted 3 new Japanese Red Maple Trees after learning about soil, worms and composting. We are hoping our trees grow big and strong so that we can admire them when we're older.

Have a beautiful long weekend and Happy Victoria Day!
See you on Tuesday :o)