Saturday, May 7, 2016

Of all the paths you take in life..make sure a few of them are dirt -John Muir

Last week was an exciting one for us!
 We got to take a bus to the Kortright Centre and go on a Nature Walk with a tour guide.
We learned that the younger trees are skinny and as they get older..they get thicker and thicker.
This one in particular looked very old! We couldn't even wrap our arms around it:
We were each given a kaleidoscope to look through:
 We climbed a small hill to look at different birds from a higher view:
The bus ride back!
 It was a good day!
We have been working on collaboratively building this structure using straws and connectors:
Slowly, but surely more and more people joined in to help:
 We made two new colours of Playdough as well and challenged ourselves to spell our names by rolling it into different shapes:
 Making faces in the sand:
 Creating a picture out of buttons on the mirror:
We decided on a new look for our classroom door. Here it is!'s a little glimpse of the song we have been singing in our class. It's called Three Little Birds by Bob Marley:
 Our cards are finally complete and have been sent home.
To all of the mother's out there, thank you for being so great, so supportive and so understanding. You should constantly be reminded that you are doing a fantastic job at raising these wonderful children and we recognize you for all of your time and dedication!
Ms. Buckworth made pots with the children during Art class and they turned out very cute!
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, celebrating Mother's Day with friends and family and taking in this beautiful weather we are finally getting!!
See you on Monday :)

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