Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Holidays!

"Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times."

We have some really exciting news to share!! We won our school door decorating contest this afternoon! Our caretakers walked around and assessed every door based on criteria of uniqueness and a message that was impactful. 
Our class and Ms. Beattie's class were the winners of the first floor and we couldn't be more excited! In the New Year we will be receiving money to donate to wherever we choose. We have started to talk about the possibilities of where we could donate. If you'd like, have a conversation with your child about donating money and giving to others. We are welcoming any suggestions.

This week has been busy for us, as we have been preparing cards and gifts:

We hope you and your family enjoy this beautiful break and have a very happy time celebrating the New Year!!

See you in 2019 :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Winte Concert 2018!

Thank you so much to parents and families who joined us yesterday for our performance at our Winter concert. The children were so excited to sing 'This little light of mine' and did a fantastic job, using loud and beautiful singing voices. 
We were very proud of them!

We were busy making the lights to hold:

This week, I re used an old table and created a Lego table for our class. There has been a lot of building happening there ever since we have put it out:

We made some brown play dough last week to make reindeer with:

We also strung some tiny little beads onto strings:


The children built a bed using blocks and a pillow:
 And a zoo for animals:
 They also put together pattern poles:

Hope you are having a nice week!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Melting Snowmen

This week we experimented using shaving cream and glue mixed together to give us a marshmellow-y texture. We used this mixture to create some fluffy snowmen who were melting away when the sun came out. 
It was a fun activity for the children and they really seemed to enjoy it!



Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Our new pattern bead tree!

Yesterday we made some beautiful patterns and hung them up on our white tree:

We also painted these presents as a collaborative piece of Art work: 

We are beginning to also decorate our windows with snowflakes!

Have a happy Wednesday!