Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Winte Concert 2018!

Thank you so much to parents and families who joined us yesterday for our performance at our Winter concert. The children were so excited to sing 'This little light of mine' and did a fantastic job, using loud and beautiful singing voices. 
We were very proud of them!

We were busy making the lights to hold:

This week, I re used an old table and created a Lego table for our class. There has been a lot of building happening there ever since we have put it out:

We made some brown play dough last week to make reindeer with:

We also strung some tiny little beads onto strings:


The children built a bed using blocks and a pillow:
 And a zoo for animals:
 They also put together pattern poles:

Hope you are having a nice week!


  1. Dear Ms.Gikov
    I miss you so much.I hope you are still having nice days.I wanted to tell you that yesterday I dreamed about you invited me to one of your field trips with your class each of us had a paper and there was pictures of plants and we had to find it.

    1. Hi Victoria! I’m sorry I am just seeing this now! I miss you too and hope you are doing well :) !! I have been off with my two baby girls and miss teaching so much. I will be back next year
