Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Day The Crayons Quit!

After reading this story:

We decided as a primary division to choose a character from the book to be on our spirit day.
So, as a class we took a vote on which colour crayon we wanted to be:
Red won with the most number of votes, so we dressed up as red crayons!
Thank you so much to all the parents who supported us in doing this :)
This week we introduced a few new concepts in math. We talked about measurement and how to use a balancing scale. We looked at the difference between 'heavy' and 'light' and experimented on a couple of different scales we have in our classroom with things like an eraser, pencil, marker, paper clip, ruler, and cubes.

We also made paper bag puppets in Drama and used our puppet centre to put on shows for our friends.
we had a special visitor come in - Cristina! Who layed with us and brought us in some puzzles:
Hope you enjoy this beautiful sunny Saturday!

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