Monday, October 15, 2018

Bus Safety

Last week we had the opportunity to learn about bus safety. We even got to sit on and exit the bus in case of a real emergency. We had special helpers who assisted us getting off properly and held our arms so we wouldn't fall.

We went on a Nature Walk to collect tree branches for our Fall Trees. We made them using tissue paper, clay and glue.
 We also brought in new tree stumps and painted them with fresh red paint. The children were a great help!

Lastly, we changed our water table into a Halloween themed sensory play area. We dumped out the water and filled it with popcorn kernels, adding various different objects into it. We will be starting to learn about how to collect data in simple ways, such as scooping out objects in this table and recording them on a sheet with tally marks. 
There is lots of opportunity for math learning here!

Have a lovely week!!

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