Saturday, October 18, 2014

"The Expert In Anything, Was Once a Beginner."

This week we discovered that some of the children in our class are fascinated with kites and airplanes. So, we looked into it further and suggested we make our own! We had an open discussion and asked the children what we would need to build a kite. We watched a YouTube video of a person making one and talked about the different ways we could make one. We decided that those who were interested, would put together a list of materials and we would make them and then bring them outside on a windy day to see if they would fly. We are still brainstorming and collecting materials we will need. Stay tuned for further progress on our kite inquiry!

We are becoming more responsible and learning how to take care of the plants in our class by watering them everyday!

In our building centre this week, a lot of wonderful things have been made! Here are a couple of examples of structures the children have built together.

This castle the girls build was then connected to what they said was a forest with trees (leaves on top of the trees), a river running through and grass. Mrs. Ansari and I were very impressed with the level of imagination these children we able to extend upon. Way to go!
 This picture was taken on 'Purple Day'!
Thank you for participating in this, we had a great turnout! :)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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