Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happy Earth Day!

We celebrated Earth Day yesterday by putting on gloves and picking up garbage around our school. We filled up one whole bag and then headed back inside to watch a YouTube video on how to recycle and re-use various containers and cans. These two girls showed up wearing the same cute little outfit!
 Our Earth Day colours: Green and Blue
 We continued our seed list. It sure is growing!
 "Here, I'll hold it for you!"
 Our Garden centre, continuing to grow:
 Our fantastic pot painting team!!
Here is a beautiful story about spring from one of our SK Students:
 Our new Rainbow blocks for the Light Table:
Some of us tired ourselves right out..
 We are hoping for some nicer weather like we had last week when we got to go outside with Ms. Buckworth during Art:
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Dance-A-Thon day in our Gym. The theme is pajamas!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Big things often have small beginnings..."

This week two of our students brought us these from their snack:
So, we saved them and labelled them inside the bowl, so that we wouldn't forget what kind of seeds they were!
Then we watched a couple of time lapsed videos on how a seed grows. They were really interesting and showed the entire growth process of a plant.
We took this opportunity to do some art work and make a diagram of a plant, using our hands to trace for the roots, leaves and petals of the flower. They turned out great :)
 It was hard for some of the children, so they buddied up with a friend and took turns tracing each others hand.
 Here is a view of what they looked like when they were almost finished:
 Adding the finishing touches:
 This is what the finished pieces look like:
We also brought in some mini pots to decorate with paint because we are waiting for some magical seeds to come in the mail.
We brought some soil in as well and took a vote on what we wanted to fill our water table with: black coloured rice, potting soil, or black beans, and a majority of the children wanted soil, so we emptied out two big bags! 
 We got the gardening tools out:
 and added some beautiful flowers too..
Who needs gloves??  "I do!"...
 We will continue to add to our soil, bringing in new things and possibly even planting some of our seeds inside.
 For now, we are keeping track of all of the seeds we find. Mrs. Ansari brought in an avocado seed and also had apple seeds from her snack today, so we recorded them on this piece of paper.
 We took turns writing  the words down:
 These are some of our Popcorn Trees we did in art class with Mrs. Buckworth!
And this is what we love spending our spare time doing:
 Reading together and looking at the pictures!
We hope you are enjoying this warm weather as much as we are!!
We did some fence weaving during recess, using plastic tableclothes to try and make letters :)
My helpers holding it out so I can cut strips :)
With the beautiful weather this week, we were able to finally get outside and go on a nature walk. we made two stops at the park so the children could play for a bit and then we continued on. We saw two different coloured birds, who were feeling very thirsty...
On the Merry Go Round 
 Using lots of arm strength!
On our way back, we stopped to look at something on the ground...
 It was a small worm! We figured it must have come out from all the rain we had an then dried up.. :(
We picked up some small pinecones on the way back and put them into a basket to save them:
 We even added a stick and a part of the tree pines:

We hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather as much as we are!!
Please remember to ensure your child has 2 pairs of shoes ->1 indoor and 1 outdoor.
Also- Being on time is crucial to our learning, please also ensure that you are arriving on time with your child. The doors will be locked at 8:30.
Thank you! :)