Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happy Earth Day!

We celebrated Earth Day yesterday by putting on gloves and picking up garbage around our school. We filled up one whole bag and then headed back inside to watch a YouTube video on how to recycle and re-use various containers and cans. These two girls showed up wearing the same cute little outfit!
 Our Earth Day colours: Green and Blue
 We continued our seed list. It sure is growing!
 "Here, I'll hold it for you!"
 Our Garden centre, continuing to grow:
 Our fantastic pot painting team!!
Here is a beautiful story about spring from one of our SK Students:
 Our new Rainbow blocks for the Light Table:
Some of us tired ourselves right out..
 We are hoping for some nicer weather like we had last week when we got to go outside with Ms. Buckworth during Art:
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Dance-A-Thon day in our Gym. The theme is pajamas!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!! :)

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