Monday, May 4, 2015

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Today, upon arriving to school we discovered a magical sight! We were anticipating the growth of our beans we planted last week and it finally happened. It didn't take long at all. According to our predictions on our graph, this is what most of us thought would grow the fastest...
Most of us seemed to think that the Black Eyed Peas would grow the fastest, but this is what we discovered today..
Our Black Beans grew the fastest!.. along with the sunflower seeds and lentils that Mrs. Ansari wrapped up in water and paper towel.
We worked very hard last week as gardeners, to plant our rainbow seeds and make sure they had enough water:
We set them against the window, hoping that enough sunlight would come through so they would eventually grow..
 Others worked with Mrs. Ansari to pick a bean to plant in a clear cup and label it..
 Poking a hole for the seed:
We also did a little activity and worksheet on what grows on top of the ground and what grows on the bottom. Here is some of the work we did:
Then we decided to make a big mural to display what we know about things that grow, using pictures to help us!
Drawing some lettuce:
Some corn:
Pumpkins on vines:
She decided that we needed a bird in a nest..
 A strawberry field!
And our finished project!!
Today during Gym, we went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. We took a walk to the park!
 "Let all your troubles be bubbles!"..
 "Look at this!!" They noticed that the trees are beginning to blossom..
 A pinecone!
 They made it to the top!
 They collected these to bring back to our class..
Today was a very special day because we got to go and watch Junie B. Jones at the Richmond Hill Theatre..
It was so much fun and the show was amazing!!!!
We all had a blast!
Reminder: Thursday is Library Day!
Have a wonderful week :)

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