Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mothers Day!!

We hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day yesterday and enjoyed the flower arrangement and artwork your child brought home for you. Here is what we made in class. We used an idea off of Pinterest:
 We are so happy with the way they turned out and the effort the children put into them to make them special for you!
 We received some BEAUTIFUL roses today to brighten up our room! :)
 When we came in this morning, leaving our plants by the window, we were amazed at how fast they grew over the weekend!
 Even the lentils sure are growing quickly!
 Sunflower seeds that were planted on Friday already started to sprout!
 We started a new inquiry last week with a small group of students who were really interested in making the sea and looking at what creatures and fish live there. So, we went up to the Art room and chose some colours for our water, showing different colours as the depths of it. The darker it gets, the deeper it goes.
 We watched a YouTube video on jellyfish to see what they look like and how they swim. then we added them to our mural.
We also added some different kinds of fish that live in the sea:
 Here is an octopus and a seahorse done by one of our JK's:
 Today, some of us still wanted to draw plants and the life cycle of a plant:
 "It's a playdough flower!"
 She wanted to write her own story, so we stapled some blank pages together and she has fully illustrated it. Maybe we can add it to our classroom book collection when it is complete ;)
 Have a happy rest of the week!!

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