Monday, June 22, 2015

The year is coming to an end!

Last week our Kindergarten Team arranged a bike day where the children were invited to bring their bikes or scooters to school. Mrs. Xenos and some of the Grade 8 students set up some bike centres with relays and fun games which they all participated in. Then we all took a nice long ride around our school and through the park, following each other. The children said that this was their most favourite day ever!
 Then we enjoyed some freezies on the hill to cool down from the heat.
The girls were designing some colourful snowflakes, using pattern blocks:
And they have been continuing to add on since their first creation:
 Here is one of our SK's making a Summer menu of drinks and popsicles:
 And one of our JK's drawing a beautiful butterfly and sounding out the letetrs!
Today we were surprised with this delicious cake, brought to us by a parent to celebrate the graduation of our SK's going into Grade 1. Although it is a happy time and there is a lot to celebrate, we are truly very sad to be saying good bye to some of our students who will not be returning in September. It has been an absolute honour to watch them grow and make such huge gains this year. Starting off with nothing but bare furniture in our room, we have seen our classroom blossom into an incredibly enriched environment, thanks to the contribution of our students and staff.
Tomorrow is Mrs. Ansari's last day with us until she comes back again in September, so we will be wishing her safe travels to Iran and will be missing her for the rest of the week.
We hope you and your family enjoy the summer weather and have a very happy break!
See you again in September!! xo

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