Monday, June 1, 2015

"you should sit in nature for 20 minutes a day..Unless you're busy, then you should sit for an hour." - Based on an old Zen saying

Nature is one of our greatest teachers and fortunately, we have an Art teacher who believes this and integrates it into our curriculum. She took the children outside this week to create clay mandalas and give back to nature, leaving them in special spots around our school.
If you look closely, you will see some clay mandalas carefully placed up in the tree, a spot selected by some of the children.
We wrote a letter to Home Depot, thanking them for donating paint for our tree stumps and soil for our planters.
We made some 'sponge-bombs' to play with outside.
We also painted on mirrors, using primary colours:
We took apart one of the boxes, we found in the hallways and cut it into strips that we used and painted black with yellow strips to use as roads at our building centre.
 We created a space for our caterpillar observations, where students are invited to visit and write or draw what they see.
 They have definitely grown since we got them.. we wonder when they will start forming a cocoon..
 We had a guest speaker last week come to visit our school and read to us. Author Rebecca Bender showed us how she draws some of the characters in her book, using different facial expressions to express a mood.
"We built a castle!"

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