Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Special Delivery!

Our egg hatching kit finally came in and we are SUPER excited! The countdown is on.. they are expected to hatch in 21 days, and we have another 16 to go.
 Today we did some painted chick Artwork using yellow paint, orange construction paper, goggly eyes and a FORK! Who would have thought you could paint with a fork?!
Some of them chose to trace pictures of chicks and colour them instead:
We are really enjoying playing at our new 'Garden centre'
We have planted some grass seed and we are patiently waiting for it to grow...
 Touching the grass seed, to see how it feels:
 We filled our cups with soil first...
 And then we sprinkled some grass seed under another layerr of soil:
 We are going to look pretty funny with grass hair!
The girls have spent a lot of time talking about and playing with their TY toys, so we suggested that they draw them and write about them. This led to a collaborative piece of work, where they designed a mall for them and then placed them in different locations.
The girls even inspired the boys to make their own Zoo Land murals!!
 Researching their favourite ones to draw:
They chose a picture of a mall to get ideas from so that they could begin to draw the background:
 Then it began...
And the results were fabulous!!
 Here is another group of students who were working on mural of their own:
 And another group who decided to make the top half a zoo and the bottom half Jurasic Park:
 One of our new students made an airplane out of unifex cubes and drew a picture of it:
A new program document came out this week and will not be implemented until September of 2016, but we thought we would get a heads start and make some signs for the four components we will be focusing on:
We finally finished up most of our flags and displayed them in our hallway:

This was us on Rockstar Day!
Please don't forget that this Friday is the Dance-A-Thon. It will take place in our Gym first thing in the morning, from 8:50-9:30. The theme is Beach Day, so get your towels and beach gear ready!

Also-Every Monday is Library Day, please ensure your child comes to school with his/her library bag, so that their books can be exchanged.
Enjoy the rest of the week! :)

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