Saturday, December 10, 2016

"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it..."

Last week snow filled our Kindergarten pen and covered the grass and sidewalks. It wasn't the first time it snowed, but it was the first time it was 'packing snow'. So we took this opportunity to go on top of the hill and make a snowman family. We all worked together, gathering sticks for the arms, and stones for the buttons and mouth. I had some baby carrots in the fridge that worked perfectly for the nose!!
Thank you so much to one of our students who brought us in this BIG book to share with us!!
There was even a special little message inside of it!
We took the K-nex out this week and made some really cool cars and things out of them using the pictures to replicate the images:
After setting up a place to make some snowflakes using open-ended materials, one of our students brought us in some beautiful snowflake stickers!
 Working together to create:
We turned ourselves in Reindeer!! We will be displaying these in the hallway on the day of our concert:
 We will be sending out a concert program on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend!

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