Saturday, December 3, 2016

December begins!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Santa's North pole Cafe is officially up and decorated. It has been so much fun making up a menu and coming up with different roles and jobs for our Cafe.
 Here is the patio outside:
 Our Sign Maker:
 Our shingle maker:
 And Santa's little elves:
 Here is what's on our menu:
Here are the postcards we wrote this week:
We made our own chocolate chip cookies for the cafe:
We also made some Gingerbread men and women:
 Thank you so much to one of our moms for bringing in all this felt for us to use!! It was the first time most of the children have ever used it and said it was so soft! We made lots of snowmen out of it:
Thank you to another parent who sent this book in for us and also all of the playdough that was given to the children as gifts! We were so excited to look through the pages of the book to see what we could make using our fingerprints. We even got special washable print pads so that the ink would wash off our fingers. The children have been making different characters with their prints and they have really impressed us! 
The children play 'teacher' everyday. For some reason they are fascinated with the thought of teaching as pretend play. One day this week, i turned around to see this... they had set up all of the chairs on the carpet and were pretending to be students with their backpacks. It was actually quite funny to see how many of them were so engaged in this!
 There were some very interesting creations with the blocks this week:
 Such detail!!
 Lastly, thank you this this mom who brought in cupcakes and cookies for her daughters birthday! She spent the afternoon with the kids. They each got a loop bag and other awesome goodies. They sat and assembled their pencil crayon holders together and were so proud of how they turned out!
We have been busy practicing our song and getting ready for our concert, making reindeer antler headbands to wear using our cut our hands and bristol board!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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