Saturday, November 26, 2016

"A snowflake is Winter's butterfly.."

We received a very special gift from one of our parents last week. After talking about and seeing all the patterns that were being made within our classroom, this gift was sent to us to use in addition to what was put out, with the intention that children could continue to extend upon their learning of patterns and colours. We have been using them all week in various different ways. Thank you so much for this! We have created some really great things with it and have displayed it in our hallways. Take a look..
 We tested them out for ourselves, to see how it would turn out and we were in love with this idea! There were so many possibilities of creating patterns and the children really enjoyed choosing what colours to use. 

Then we decorated our halls with them:
Not only did we decorate our hallways, but we also decorated our door with snowflake faces! This was an idea that came from one of our students, so we took the pictures, printed and cut them out and they were put out for the children to decorate:

 Lastly, we decorated some trees using buttons. There was a lot of math talk around this activity!!
We also finished our mailbox! And are now officially ready to set up a letter making station, with envelopes and postage.

 We were stuck on how we were going to make a handle, but eventually thought of rolling up a piece of paper and wrapping with aluminum foil to make it appear to be metal.
 We adding the finishing touch, a mailbox sign.. 
Some of the other students were more interested in the train set we put out and in building with Legos. So, while we were busy constructing the mailbox, they were busy constructing other things:
Our red noses finally arrived in the mail this week, perfect timing for our Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer song we have been practicing!
Ms. Buckworth will be making reindeer antlers with the children for them to wear at our concert.
Stay tuned for more information!

Have a very nice weekend, see you Monday!
(Just a little note regarding Library on Monday-we will not be doing a book exchange due to the Scholastic Book Fair. Book exchange will resume the week after.)

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