Thursday, November 3, 2016

Happy November!

We have some SUPER EXCITING NEWS to share! One of our students noticed that there were baby fish in our fish tank! We counted four of them, but then discovered that there were actually 6! We were so amazed and excited! 
We have been watching and observing them as they have been getting bigger and bigger:

Thank you so much for all of the snacks that were brought in! 
We had an overwhelming amount of goodies and made our own treat bags to send home!
We did some fun activities this week for Halloween! Mrs. Ansari made some cute white hand printed ghosts with some of the children, while I worked on pumpkin seed name art with others.

We took a few votes this week. We came up with ideas on what we could transform our dramatic play area (house centre) into and put that into a list on the SmartBoard. Then each child came up and drew a tally mark for their vote. It was interesting to count at the end and see which one had the most votes.. but what what was even more interesting was that we had a tie between two ideas. 
We asked Mrs. Ansari to have the final vote... and Christmas tree house in the North pole won!
 We then found some ideas, printed them out and displayed them on chart paper. 
Then we voted on what we wanted our house to look like. this time we used check marks. 
Here were our votes:
We once again had another tie between two, so we decided that we would build both. We have had two big boxes saved in our storage room to build with, so we will be in construction for the next couple of weeks. We can't wait to show you the final product!
Many of the kids also want to build an igloo, so we are going to try and see how many empty jugs/containers we can collect. 
If you have any of these type of clear containers, can you please send them in :)
Our goal is to make something like this:
or this:
Have a lovely weekend!

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