Monday, May 8, 2017

May Flowers

We decided it was time for another door makeover so our little team worked together to decorate our door, each one with a different job.

 Adding the finishing touches..some rain!
In Health, Ms. Barone has been focusing on Healthy eating and had prepared a variety of different games for the children to experience. They absolutely loved it.. so much, that during centre time, one of our students made her own food group book by looking at the different categories and drawing the pictures all of the pictures herself!

We have been exploring measurement in Math using different materials and objects to measure things in our classroom. Last week, we put out different challenges and encouraged the children to see what they could measure besides strips of peper, a line of masking tape and a plant.


 Here is our documentation outside of our classroom:

We celebrated two of our friends birthdays on Friday and were lucky enough to get to enjoy some Ice cream as well!


We had a wonderful week and hope you did too!

This week... we are working really hard on a special surprise for the upcoming weekend. Stay tuned to see what we've been doing.
Here is a sneak peek..


Happy Monday!

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