Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Earth has music for those who listen..

We LOVE being outside. So fortunate and grateful to have such nice weather this week. Here are some captured moments we took of us outside as we collected garbage for Earth day:

Then we planted some beautiful yellow perennials into our planters:
 We noticed some of our perennials from last year are starting to grow back as well!
Thank you to one of our parents, who brought in a kiddie pool for our little Ducklings to swim in. We got to watch the as they scurried around and dunked their heads under:
Our classroom garden is doing very well! Growing quite quickly!
When we checked on Friday before we left for the weekend, we noticed that everything we have planted has sprouted and we are very proud of our ability to maintain their growth!

Some of us were very focused on creating shapes with our multi-coloured playdough shape mats:
 Others were busy constructing houses with guards at the front:
We had a very special visitor join us this week to help out in our classroom...(Ms. Gikov's SISTER!)
the children really enjoyed playing with her. Especially number BINGO, which they couldn't seem to get enough of :)
We said Goodbye to our Ducklings Thursday morning and will miss them terribly...
but we recognize that what we got to experience was pretty amazing. They were taken very good care of and we can only hope to share the experience with each other again next year!
 We are making another collaborative picture of Springtime. We have brainstormed all sorts of ideas that we would like to add onto it and have begun the process with our little paint artists who have been working hard at painting the background for us:
We will also be starting to explore measurement. We will be using forms of non-standard measurement to measure our friends after we traced them onto mural paper and painted them:
See you Monday!!
Enjoy your weekend :)

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