Sunday, April 9, 2017

April Showers bring lots of BEAUTIFUL flowers!!

A special THANK YOU goes out this week to the many parents who brought in seeds for us to plant. We have been so busy with Mrs. Ansari planting and carefully placing the flowers by the windowsill where they will receive lots of sunlight to grow. 
We have been having so much fun with our water table, especially after we added some apple scented bubbles into it:
We have been using our new pattern block mats as well:

We played a game to learn the parts of a flower. The object was to match each part up to make a full flower. It was a lot of fun and best of all, successful!
We used droppers to paint coffee filters that were shaped as flowers:

This is what we did with them:
We also have been busy painting Dream Catchers and decorating them with string, beads and feathers:
Mrs. Ansari has been helping us plant our flowers:

After Reading this book:
and reciting the pledge:
We made two teams and a challenge for next week! 
We will see which team can hold the pledge promise...
Some of the children wanted to copy it down:
 We will see what happens next week!!

One of the children brought in a flashlight for us to use. We had tried to candle our Duckling eggs at the beginning of the week, but couldn't quite see anything because the light we were using was not bright enough. This time, using her flashlight, we could see some veins!! It was very exciting :)
Take a look at what we saw:

We are down to less than two more weeks until hatching!!

Have a beautiful rest of the weekend! :)

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