Saturday, April 22, 2017

Great things always begin from inside!

Tuesday morning was a very special and exciting day for us! Not only did we get to welcome our new baby ducklings into our class, but we also got to make and take home our own Pizza dough from Pizza Nova! Thanks to Ms. Buckworth who organized that for us!
We saved the eggs shells that our Ducklings broke out of.
It was pretty incredible to see how they broke out of such small eggs!

When the children came in they were SOOOO amazed!
 They were still a little wet and needed some time to dry off:
 We waited patiently as egg #5 tried to break out! We could hearing some chirping coming from inside the incubator and was only a matter of time:
And the struggle was over!

Thank you so much to one of our parents who brought in a paint tray for us to use as a swimming pool!
 They were very thirsty!
And really enjoyed their first swim!!!
 I set their home up in the bathtub at home and someone was VERY curious about them and wanted to watch their every move!
Then would not stop weeping by the door because... just like us...she couldn't get enough!!
Here are some pictures from our Pizza making party:


Here are some pictures from our Dance-A-Thon yesterday!

Hope you are all having a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting week!
    Thank you for bringing in the duckling eggs to hatch in the classroom. Such a great way of teaching where life begins.
    Divya hasn't stopped talking about the ducklings!
    -- Navreet
