Saturday, June 10, 2017

Math surrounds us!

We have been exploring a lot of different math concepts over the past two weeks. What started with symmetry and looking at the opposite side of objects to determine whether they were symmetrical.. turned into board games of snakes and ladders and then into one of our favourite games called.. TENZI!  The children seemed to really love the game Tenzi. The object is to roll 10 dice until all of your numbers match or are the same. So, for example.. if you roll all of your dice and 3 of them land on 6 then 6 would be the number you aim for rolling on the other dice.
 Here was the example done to show the children how symmetry works. For this activity, we made butterflies using paint and sharpie markers:


Here we are trying to draw a snakes and ladder board:
 TA DA!! They worked together to do it!
 We are drawing the symmetrical side to these insects using MIRRAS!
 We celebrated one of our friends Birthdays On June 6th and the next day, one of our friends brought in a present for her :) It was a Cinderella Book:
Playing with loose parts:
 Building a road:
Playing with magnetic letters:
 Painting a few bird houses:
On a treasure hunt:
Some stunning flowers one of our parents and children brought from their garden!
We hope you enjoy the lovely weather this weekend :)
See you on Monday

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