Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The end of the year has approached us...

Thank you so very much for coming out today to watch your child perform at our year end 'celebration of learning' concert!!
We hope you enjoyed it!

We are really going to miss our SK's.. :(
It has been an amazing year and we are very proud of all of our students and have enjoyed watching them grow. They have taught us so much!
We wish you and your family a restful, fun-filled summer!
We cannot wait to see you again in September!! :)

Love Always,
Ms. Gikov


  1. Thank you for an amazing year! Your commitment and passion for making learning fun and unconventional is extraordinary! Our kids have been lucky to have had the privilege of being your students. Looking forward to next year already!

  2. You are so sweet! Thank you so much for all that you do!! You are amazing! I look forward to next year too :)
