Friday, November 14, 2014

Children are not things to be moulded, but people to be unfolded. -Jess Lair

This week we had the opportunity to sit down with the parents of our SK students and discuss their progress. It was an absolute pleasure to get to speak about the children and how they're doing at home and at school.

We want to send out a BIG Thank You to all the parents who took the time to come meet with us. We were so happy to see you and look forward to a continued partnership with you.

In our classroom, we feel that giving children choice is essential. Setting up provocations for learning that are intentional and engaging are what drive our instruction.

Here are some of the centres the children worked at this week:
We are learning about shapes.
We are also learning about patterns. We used these pre-made worksheet to practice.

The continuation of our Castle Inquiry ... 
Here we are making a sign for our Journey board.
                          Using stencils to practice printing. 
Mrs. Ansari showed the students a picture of a dragon made out of an egg carton, so some of them started to paint them using green paint. We laid them out to dry and will continue working on them next week.
Mrs. Ansari also showed us how to use tin foil to make armour for our knights. 
The children in our class decided that we needed crowns for the kings and princesses, so we used yellow construction paper and decorated our own. Then we assembled them with staples so that they could fit on their heads!

This was the finished product! They turned out really beautiful, each one so different.
Working together and finding ways to co-operate is essential in our classroom.
This is our new inquiry board about the journey through all our learning  about castles. 
This is what it looks like, now that we have added some of our documentation to it. 
Mrs. Ansari put some paint, tin foil and salt out for the children to experiment with and this is what they created:  
It is represented on our wall, outside of our classroom. We are proud of our students for taking the challenge to try out new things in our classroom!

Have a warm, snuggly weekend! See you on Monday :)

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