Sunday, November 23, 2014

It's not what you look at that matters. It's what you see. - Henry David Thoreau

We see a lot of capable, competent, and creative kids in our class everyday. This is some of the learning that has taken place this past week.
Puzzle makers:
 We made kings, queens, princesses and princes for our castle with Ms. Buckworth in Art class:
 Our finished crowns.
We made patterns and then drew them out, labelling the colours we used:
"It's a candycane!!"
Look at this ABAB pattern!
 Some cute little bunnies made out of playdough:
Tired out from all the fun we had:
Reminder: Monday is the last day for the Book Fair and Thursday is Library Day :)
We are working on putting together a Winter Concert between all four Kindergarten classes.
Please stay tuned for more information! We will be sending out the date and time as soon as it is finalized.
Have a restful Sunday!

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