Friday, November 7, 2014

Painting colourfully!

This week we continued to build our castle. It was the first time we opened up the paint and had students who were interested in painting, paint together. We ended up with some very colourful walls.

We will continue our project next week!

We opened up a new centre this week as well. We called it 'the popcorn centre' and it was a hit! The kids loved playing with it.

Here is some of the great work we did this week:

Spiders made out of play dough and pipe cleaners.
We learned about the twelve months of the year and looked at upcoming birthdays. The children who were interested in making signs for our classroom, participated in the creation of extraordinary work.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Reminders: **Please remember to bring back permission forms for our class trip and also THURSDAY is Library day. Please have your child bring their book inside of their book bag, so that it can be exchanged.**

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