Friday, January 23, 2015

Aaaarggh you ready to see what we have been doing?

This week was full of surprises! We found another clue to our pirate treasure mystery along with a piece of a map.. and we also got a new addition to our classroom!!
we found this rolled up into one of the bins we keep our building blocks in!!
Mrs. V helped us bring this into our classroom and assemble it, so that when the children arrived they were very surprised!
This was some of the expressions on the children's faces that we captured when we uncovered the ship!
This week we made beautiful pirate ship artwork, using paint and construction paper. We showed the children how to cut out a ship and how to glue on flags/sails to the popsicle sticks (masts) and then how to draw a Jolly Ranger (skeleton face) They all came out so unique. We hung them up above our cubby area.

Our sign maker!
We also dressed up as Pirates!

 The boys...
 Ahoy Matey!
We had a lot of fun playing at the water centre.. thinking about what types of things we would use to make a pirate ship that would float and not sink!!

Some of us took challenges this week and replicated our pirate colour by number sheet!

While others tried to build a complete ship using numbers, words, pictures and stick representations to match up with the same number.
 We played a game of bear paws!
 We played a lower case/upper case matching card game and used our Pirate books to copy down the word.

After making a big city with roads on our carpet, we decided we needed to label our design with signs so we started to make some.

This was an interesting piece of work and flow of ideas!! :)
We just happened to find this on one of the tables today!! So impressed by what our children can do without guidance or support. This student wrote this letter all by himself!
 Until next like a captain, play like a pirate!