Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pirate Inquiry

Our Pirate inquiry took off last week as we looked further into a pirate's life. We asked the children what they wondered about Pirates and recorded their thoughts. Some of them wondered why Pirates wear an eye patch, while others wondered why they bury treasures. Then we asked them what they thought the answers to those questions were and jotted down their responses. Then we displayed them within our classroom to make reference to.
Here are some of their thoughts:
We have also talked a little bit about Maps and compasses. We taught the students what N, E, S, W stood for and an easy way to remember the letters: Never Eat Shredded Wheat!
The children have been so excited to play at the Dramatic Play Centre and dress up in Pirate outfits:
 Stay tuned, to see what other adventures we immerse ourselves in. We will be making these parrots next week:

For an introduction into our Measurement unit, we decided to measure Mrs. Ansari. We brainstormed a list of non-standard materials we could use to measure her. The children came up with ideas such as: books, boots, mittens, pencils, rulers and so on. In order for us to measure Mrs. Ansari without having her lay on the floor each time, we thought it would be a good idea to trace her onto a piece of large paper and then cut her out. The children helped to trace her body and then they worked together to cut her out. We have not filled out our recording sheet yet, but we have made a prediction on how many rulers long we think she might be. We will be continuing this next week.
Have a wonderful weekend!

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