Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ahoy Matey!!

This week we read this book:
After we finished reading it, a little note fell out!
It was from the Captain Pirate in the book telling us that his brother was trying to steal his treasure so he hid it in our school to keep it safe. He said he would leave a clue within the next few days about where we could find this treasure for him. So far, we have not found anything in our classroom, but we are still keeping our eyes open! We have been talking a lot about pirates and about why we think they wear eye patches and why we think they bury treasures...
Ms. Buckworth gave us a huge box of pirate clothes, so we decided to try them on before we put them out at our new Ship Centre.

We thought it was time to dump out our sand table and filled it up with fresh water. We plan on using this water table to build ships to sail them in. When we poured in the water, the children were really excited, as you can see from the expressions on their faces!!! We guessed how many buckets of water it would take to fill it and some of us were really close. We ended up using 4 and a half buckets!
We added a little bit of food colouring to see what would happen. We noticed a blue outlined circle in the water that had started to form.
We stirred all of the food colouring around in the water until it became an even blue colour.
Then we made some signs for our new water table before we opened it to remind our friends of the rule we agreed upon.
In Art class today, Ms. Buckworth set up the materials we needed to make our own pirate hats! The children got to decorate them and then laid them in the drying rack to dry. They also made their own telescopes the other day with Ms. Buckworth and noticed that the long paper towel roll they used, was in the shape of a cylinder! 3D shapes are everywhere!!
Today we went on a scavenger hunt!! We were looking for letters of the Alphabet all around our room! After the children were done finding all 26 letters, they asked to do it again, so we may try a different scavenger hunt tomorrow!

Some of the children worked in pairs and in small groups to help each other find letters.

We set up a new centre this week, called Sight Word Jenga. We taught the children how to build a tower first using 3 blocks each layer and then take turns to slowly pull out one block at a time, until it falls. Whoever can read the block they pull out, gets to keep the block as a point. As soon as the structure falls down, the game is over and can be started over again.
We have also been practicing our writing:

 Please don't forget Library Day is tomorrow! and also - Friday is a P.A. Day!
Enjoy the rest of your week :)

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