Monday, January 4, 2016

A New year, a new day, a new possibility...

Welcome back! We hope you had an enjoyable winter break and are ready to begin a new year. I always say "don't look back, you're not going that way..." However, as an educator, I find myself constantly reflecting on my practice and trying to find ways to improve my program and support the students in our class.
I am going to back track a little bit back to the last week of December when we started a short, but sweet inquiry on hot chocolate. We explored our senses through discussing our curiosities and then talking about what we saw when we made it, what we smelled and what we tasted. Here are some pictures of some of the work and thoughts on our display board:
 Our hot chocolate simmering in the Crock Pot:
What better way to spend the last day of school then to be in our pajamas, having hot chocolate?!

We have some more fun surprises to share in the upcoming months and look forward to blogging about them!
Keep warm!! :)

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