Wednesday, January 13, 2016

There's snowplace like school!

 Finally some snow for us to play in!!
Last week, we looked at different types and styles of stained glass. We talked about where we would see this type of glass and pointed out what kinds of shapes we saw in some of the pictures we searched on Google Images. One of the students mentioned that they saw stained glass at Church. We wondered how stained glass was coloured, how it was made and what was involved in the process of making it, so we looked it up on YouTube  and watched a video. It seemed like a lot of work was involved! Because stained glass is made by adults, we made our own kid friendly version using a snowflake as a silhouette and tissue paper, which we glued onto the background. Some turned out more layered than others and had a different effect but they all resembled real snowflakes.. different and unique in their own way. We hung them up in our windows and they came out VERY colourful!!

 And this is what it looks like from the inside of our classroom!
Here are some structures built by one of our students during centre time:
 We have been continuing on our data management strand, using surveys, tally marks, and pictographs.
We have been practicing how to count tally marks, when they are in bunches of 5 (skip counting) and adding onto that number.
 Ironically, the day we did this survey on how many teeth have been lost, one of our students lost another tooth, totalling our graph results changed a bit.
This is one of our students who created his own survey and went around the classroom asking his friends which picture they like best.
Upcoming dates to remember:
Friday Jan 15th- P.A Day
 Every Monday- Library Day
Fri Jan 29th-Backwards Day & Good News Assembly
Enjoy the rest of your week!

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