Sunday, January 17, 2016

What happens when the sun comes out on a winter day??..

..the snow melts away!!
The children in our class have been fascinated with the idea that a solid piece of snow or ice can transform into water. They have been asking us everyday if they can put some in a bucket or cup and bring it inside to observe what happens. We watched a YouTube video about Sneezy the snowman and how when he gets to close to anything warm, he melts away.
I then found a great follow up activity on primary pack's BlogSpot that we used with the children. We mixed these two ingredients together and anticipated what was going to happen:
We took a paintbrush and mixed them together to get a foam like paste and painted a melting snowman on the blue template paper to show as an example. It even dried that way!
This was a lot of fun!
Some of the children said that it looks like marshmallows. Some commented on the smell of the shaving cream, saying that it smelled like flowers. For the most part, it was all left in the hands of the creator because each one turned out so differently and unique. They enjoyed cutting out the parts of the snowman as well and sticking them wherever they liked.
We notice that surveys are still being made. Often during centre time, students construct their own surveys and go around asking their friends "which one do you like best?" Most of the time, it is with a partner, like these two:
This was interesting because we have not seen any surveys done horizontally across the page like that. It is often so rewarding to see where their inspiration takes them and what they come up with without having been told or showed how to.
Hope everyone had a restful weekend. See you tomorrow!! :)

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