Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Shadows, Valentine's Day and Report Cards..a busy time approaches us

Where did January go? It seems like it flew by. It was only over the past couple of weeks that we patiently awaited for Groundhog Day to see if Willie would see his shadow or not, and now the day has come. We have been exploring shadows as part of our Science and Light Investigation. We have been having so much fun using the projector screens to emphasis the different shadows that can be made using various different objects and even ourselves!!

take a look at what we have been playing around with:

We noticed that when the light is blocked by an object, a shadow is created.
Can you guess who these students are???


We displayed these pictures of our shadows on one of our display boards and turned it into a game of guess who? We definitely had a lot of fun guessing and were mostly accurate with our guesses.

Speaking of Science, we had the opportunity to do an experiment with Mrs. Ansari! It started after we had a discussion about hibernation and migration and began to sort animals and other living things into two categories (do they hibernate? or migrate?).
We revisited the discussion, wondering where they go in the Winter, when it gets cold outside and how polar bears and penguins stay warm in such cold and icy climates.
Mrs. Ansari brought in some shortening so that we could make pretend blubber to experience the way in which these types of animals survive. We used plastic ziploc bags and collected ice and snow from outside to make icy water. Then we stuck both of our hands in the cold water, one hand had the blubber mitten on and the other did not, to see if we felt a difference!
Boy did we ever!!
We talked about how it felt, how it looked like, smelled like and documented all of the learning that happened during this experiment.
This was the Blubber mitten Experiment:

 We are working on explaining our thinking and making our learning visible through sharing our experience of this. Our display board is still in the process of documentation, but we will post a picture of what it turns out to look like when it is complete.
Until then, we are busy collaboratively working together to create wonderful things:
 Last week we said Goodbye to Mrs. Goldstein..
but we are looking forward to meeting our new librarian next week.
We hope you enjoy the rest of the week!

1 comment:

  1. soooo many interesting experiments! I wish I were 5 year old and could have been back to this kindergarden. :-)
