Saturday, September 10, 2016

A very exciting and busy first week!

We know the first day and first week of school can be extremely overwhelming for students, especially our little ones who are starting school for the first time. There are many routines and transitions to adapt to and we are very understanding of that.  

This year, our classroom has gone back to a blank slate.. with some minor changes, we have been anticipating the arrival of our students who will help us to design, decorate and fill this room up with their thoughts, ideas, and creations.
We got some new pet fish who will keep us company throughout the year.
The yellow ones are called Golden Mollies and the red ones are called Mickey Mouse Platys:
We have spent the first couple of days exploring the different materials we put out to play with and recognizing some of our features so that we could draw self portraits of ourselves.
They turned out fantastic!


Others played in different areas:

We will be been sending home a schedule of our day and some more important information in your child's communication folder in the upcoming week.
Please check this folder regularly and return it to school the following day to ensure that you don't miss anything.

Thank you for helping us make our first week a success!
We look forward to working with you and your child this year!

Have a wonderful weekend :o)


  1. Dear Ms.Gikov and Mrs.Ansari
    We are so excited to be the part of your team!As parents it is impossible for us to stop worrying about our kids.But at the back of our minds we are at peace because we know our children are in good hands of teachers like you. Thank you for taking good care of our little ones .thanks for being really helpful understanding and awesome, over this past week:)
    Looking forward for the updates:)
    Best wishes,
    Yuliana, Mukhtar, Alan&ElvinπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    1. You have two very sweet little boys! We are looking forward to seeing them grow and helping them along the way. Thank you for being such a great mom and for leaving this feedback! :)

  2. Hi Ms. Gikov & Mrs. Ansari:
    We are so pleased to see the first update on your website :)
    Having our little one be a part of your classroom community is extremely exciting for us and her. Thank you for everything you are doing to ensure that our little ones feel comfortable and safe. Your role in shaping their attitude towards learning is paramount!
    Looking forward to a successful year!

    1. It is exciting for us too! She is so optimistic about learning and plays so nicely with others. We are very happy to have her in our class!

  3. What a lovely way to keep parents updated! Thank you for taking out the time, and putting in such an effort to do this! The kids have had a great start to the new year, and will hopefully continue to have so much fun throughout. I look forward to these updates, and also look forward to coming in to lend a helping hand (or set of ears and/or eyes!) regularly. Thank you for all that you do, for surely it is one of the most important jobs out there!
    Good luck!

    1. It is our pleasure! We would love to have you come in, thank you for offering and thank you for taking the time to give your feedback! :)

  4. Hello Ms. Gikov and Mrs. Ansari!
    The classroom looks wonderful, thank you for sharing with us the inviting setup for these new little ones to start off their education. All the pictures are fantastic as are updates to what is going on (for us curious mommies that don't get to see them in action as much anymore). Thank you for the great start and look forward to working together for a successful school year! :D
    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you Stephanie! We are looking forward to working with you too. Thanks for taking the time to check out the updates and to leave your feedback :)

  5. Thank you so much for these wonderful pics .. i hope it will be happy and succesaful year ..thaks again for your effort with our kids .

  6. No problem! Thank you for leaving your feedback. It is going to be a great year :)
