Thursday, September 22, 2016

"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun..."

Friendships are very important to children, especially in Kindergarten. They think about who they will play with the next day and who they play with can sometimes be more important than what they play. Cultivating this sense of belonging and contributing to a circle of friends is a very nurtured quality that we always try to encourage. As you can see, our students are starting to form an empathetic concern for others, making sure no one is left out and inviting friends to play. As the year unfolds, we will be fostering this kind of social environment where children will build skills in sharing, taking turns, accepting differences, listening to others, managing disagreements and negotiating different views.  
Here are some pictures captured out at recess this week:

Happy Thursday! 

Please remember to send your child's Library book bag to school every Wednesday morning, so that they can exchange it for a new one (or renew the one they have.)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and cute pics ��.it seems that they are having lots of fun . Also thanks for the books. My daughter loves those books alot ☺.
    Have agood weekend .
    Heba .
