Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Friday! We have officially reached over 1000 views! :)

Since we lOVE making bracelets and necklaces so much with our rainbow colours, we have decided to use the branch we found outside for making wishes and hanging our necklaces on.

Mr. Fletcher gave our Kindergarten classes a lot of fun toys to play with outside, so we thought it would be a great idea to write him Thank you cards to express our appreciation.

 We have been so fascinated with leaves that we have been collecting them and bringing them into class. We have placed pictures of leaves from different trees that the children can match the leaves they find to. We talked about the characteristics of leaves and about how leaves come in all different shapes, colours and sizes.

We have been looking at alphabet books and learning about words that start with the same letter. Here is a picture of a yacht that one of the children drew and copied. It turned out fantastic!

At our building centre, we have come up with different challenges for the children to try to make. They have succeeded at meeting the challenge and have even made their own structures and towers!

*Just a reminder: Monday is WACKY hair/hat day!!*

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