Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life is about using the WHOLE box of crayons! -RuPaul

Last week we re-organized our Art shelf and materials. We sorted by colour and this is what we came up with. So far, the children in our class have taken really good care of all of the materials and enjoy using them.

We also went on a nature walk on Friday and came back with this...

We have decided to leave it against our window until we find a better spot for it. The children thought of all kinds of ideas about what we could use it for. Some of them suggested that it could be a Christmas tree, some suggested that we hang things off of it. We will soon find a creative use for our branch.
 Ms. Buckworth has been working hard to prepare for an exciting Art class tomorrow. She has been cutting out these templates four our class to decorate. We are looking forward to seeing how they turn out!
Today we did a little bit of measuring. We wanted to see how tall everyone was. We had some special helpers who wanted to be a part of the measuring process. We haven't finished yet, but we will continue on Thursday. We even made a sign that says, 'We're growin!'
We were very lucky to have Mrs. Ansari teach us how to make playdough today! It was very fascinating to see who could guess how it was made and with what ingredients. The children who worked with her each took a turn measuring out the ingredients needed.

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